Synths I use

11-space MU format modular synthesizer, 27-space MOTM format modular syntheizer, 3-panel Serge modular synthesizer, 6-panel Wiard modular synthesizer, 624hp eurorack modular synthesizer, Korg SQ-1 and OpSix, Yamaha SY77, Behringer Model D, Wasp Deluxe, System 100 modular, and 2600, Analogue Solutions Telemark, Oxford OSCar, Waldorf Iridium, Roland System 1m

Software I use

Bitwig, NI Replika XT, Kilohearts Suite, Sugarbytes Aparillo, Little Alter Boy, VCV Rack, Audacity, Izotope RX8

Other Audio Gear

Genelec 8040 monitors with a 7050 subwoofer in a 5.1.2 Atmos setup, UR242+UMC1820 interfaces, stereo pair LA-2A, single 1176, Alesis 3630, BBC Sonic Maximiser, Sherman Filterbank, Vermona VSR3, 10-space 500 series rack, taishogoto, guqin, koto, SM58, tin whistle, melodica, violin, Glarry 4-string bass, Brownsville 7-String guitar, LaGrima classical guitar, Marshall JCM900, Peavey Bandit 112 RS, Vox AC30, various pedals